Crystal graphs of type A and the Robinson-Schensted algorithm


We give a quick discussion of crystals from a Robinson-Schensted point of view. The authoratative reference is [{kashiwara95}]. And more accessible expositions are [{shimozono05}] and the sage tutorial, which are the primary source of this note. Like in [{shimozono05}] we only look at type A for now, which corresponds to the usual Robinson-Schensted algorithm.

Fix positive integer \(\ell\), the crystal graph \(B(1)^n\) is a directed graph where

There is an edge \(i\) going from word \(w\) to word \(w'\) (denoted as \(w \overset{i}{\to} w'\)) if \(w' = f_i (w)\), where \(f_i\) is defined as follows

Here is an example where \(i = 2\) (in the third line the matching parentheses cancel out):

w = 1221324231141343224413
c =  )) () )(    ( ())   (
c:=  ))    )(            (
w'= 1221324331141343224413

One can also define \(e_i\), which is the inverse of \(f_i\): \(e_i(f_i(w)) = w\) if \(f_i(w)\) is not undefined, and \(e_i (w)\) is undefined if \(c\) has no (. Compared to \(f_i\), \(e_i\) marks the index \(l\) of the leftmost ( in \(c\) and changes \(w_l\) (from \(i + 1\)) to \(i\).

Definition. An isomorphism between two crystal graphs \(G\) and \(H\) is a bijection \(h: V_G \to V_H\) between the vertices

  1. preserving edges: \(w \overset{i}{\to} w'\) iff \(h(w) \overset{i}{\to} h(w')\).
  2. preserving weights: \(\ty h(w) = \ty w\).

For any partition \(\lambda\) of \(n\), let \(\mcs_\lambda\) be the set of standard Young tableaux of shape \(\lambda\), and \(d_\lambda = \#\mcs_\lambda\) be the number of these tableaux. The vertices that are column words of tableaux of shape \(\lambda\) form a component of \(B(1)^n\), which we call \(B(\lambda)\).

It turns out \(B(1)^n\) can be decomposed in the following way:

\[ B(1)^k \cong \bigoplus_{\lambda \vdash n} B(\lambda) \times \mcs_\lambda \]

This means

  1. Any connected component \(G\) of \(B(1)^n\) is isomorphic to \(B(\lambda)\) for some \(\lambda\vdash n\).
  2. For any \(\lambda\), there are \(d_\lambda\) components of \(B(1)^n\) isomorphic to \(B(\lambda)\), so they are parameterised by standard Tableaux.
  3. Given any vertex \(w\) of \(B(1)^n\), \(w\) is identified with a pair \((P(w), Q(w))\), where
    • \(P(w)\) is a vertex of \(B(\lambda)\), and it is the image of the \(w\) under the isomorphism between the component having \(w\) (which we call the \(w\)-component) and \(B(\lambda)\).
    • \(Q(w)\) is the standard tableau parameterising the \(w\)-component mentioned in Item 2.

And \((P(w), Q(w))\) is the pair of tableaux obtained by applying Robinson-Schensted algorithm with column insertion to \(w^r = (w_n, w_{n - 1}, ... w_1)\)! In other words, each component defines the \(Q\)-equivalence, and the set of images of isomorphisms of each vertex defines the \(P\)-equivalence.

How does one obtain \(P(w)\) and \(Q(w)\)?

Definition. A Yamanouchi word is a word \(v = v_1 v_2 ... v_n\) such that \(\forall i, \ty (v_i, v_{i + 1}, ..., v_n)\) is a partition. There is a one-one correspondence between Yamanouchi words in \([\ell]^n\) and standard Young tableaux of size \(n\) and no more than \(\ell\) rows. Given a Yamanouchi word \(v_1 ... v_n\), one starts with an empty tableau, then append \(1\) to the \(v_n\)th row, then append \(2\) to the \(v_{n - 1}\)th row, and so on and so forth. For example, \(v = 23321211\) corresponds to the tableau \(\begin{array}{ccc}1&2&4\\3&5&8\\6&7&\end{array}\).

Definition. Given a partition \(\lambda\), a Yamanouchi tableau \(y_\lambda\) is a semistandard Young tableau obtained by filling \(\lambda\) with only \(i\)'s on the \(i\)th row for each \(i\).

Definition. Given a connected crystal graph, a vertex \(w\) is a highest weight vector if \(e_i (w)\) is undefined for all \(i\).

It turns out each component \(G\) of \(B(1)^n\) has a unique highest weight vector, which is a Yamanouchi word. Given \(w \in [\ell]^n\), one can find \(P(w)\) and \(Q(w)\) in the following way:

  1. Find the sequence \(e_1, e_2, ..., e_k\) such that \(v = e_k e_{k - 1} ... e_1 w\) is the highest weight.
  2. \(Q(w)\) is standard tableau corresponding to the Yamanouchi word \(v\).
  3. Let \(\lambda = \sh Q(w)\) and \(y_\lambda\) be the column word of the Yamanouchi tableau of shape \(\lambda\).
  4. \(P(w)\) is the tableau whose column word is \(f_1 f_2 ... f_k y_\lambda\).
